CoronaVirus: Divide and Conquer

In keeping with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Girls Town Jerusalem, has found itself in a historic position of needing to scale down the dormitory population of the Homes. At the present time, the children have been relocated with each girl's situation being evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Some children have been placed with families (at great financial expense to GTJ). Where possible, some children have gone back to their parents or legal guardians. Several small groups (less than 10 as per the Guidelines) are being sheltered with the housemothers or with counselor's families. Another small group of older, young women is staying in the post-graduate apartment. Girls Town Jerusalem is doing its utmost to protect the youngsters in our care and, at the same time, adhere to all the safety procedures that have been outlined by the Health Ministry.
We join our prayers for the speedy recovery for all those stricken by this terrible viral outbreak and the safety and well-being of our breathern everywhere...