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Fast of Esther & Coronavirus

As many of the young women of Girls Town Jerusalem do on the minor fast days in the Jewish calendar like Tanit Esther, a large group of girls left the dormitory together to take the bus to the Kotel HaMa’aravi. Actually, the girls had asked if there may be a problem going into a crowd. Since Kotel Plaza is outdoors and that at the Kotel would not be overly packed with people, the decision was made to allow the visit. Imagine the youngsters shock when they were ready to leave and walked to the bus stop.

New rules had been implemented during the time it took for them to pray at the Wall!! These include: The first row of seats behind the driver must now remain vacant, according to the new rules, in order to somewhat cordon off the driver from passengers. Standing in the aisles is now banned altogether on inter-city buses, and it is to be discouraged on in-town buses as well. On buses where passengers do stand, they must stand further from the edge of the first row. Drivers will carry disinfectant, and are windows are to remain open in order to allow for an exchange of air. Just like so many around the world are doing, our girls will now be praying for all those effected by the coronavirus – but maybe not at the Kotel!!

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