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GTJ took to the road despite the rain and cold last week. It was a major, crazy and long, long, long day that provided each and every one with the greatest time EVER.

The high school students were surprised (shocked???!!!) when they were told just before “lights out” that everyone should organize ONE SMALL(!!) bag/backpack with outdoor gear plus a change of clothes. The rumors grew more and more fantastic as the night wore on as to where they would be going in the morning, but none of the girls realized how soon morning would come!


At an altitude of 2040 meters above sea level, our girls enjoyed a variety of the greatest winter activities including snow sledding, the alpine coaster (mountain sleds), a ride by chair lift to the top station and snow games. Their shrieks of laughter and excitement probably could have been heard in Syria! Since the last big snow storm in Jerusalem was in the year 2013, many of the girls only had vague memories of how much fun snow can be!! There were even some girls who came to Girls Town Jerusalem more recently hailing from communities located in the south of the country who claimed they could not remember ever seeing snow in their entire lives.

The girls visited a noteworthy Hermon site at Har Kahal which is 1411 meters above sea level. There, they toured the lead quarries which are the source of something that our girls found fascinating. These quarries held the raw materials for the kohl used in ancient eye makeup!! The atmosphere of unity and comradery that was engendered throughout the entire trip – especially managing to provide three delicious and filling meals without being able to do a barbeque – only added to the positive benefits of such an excursion. The hottest memories of the Winter!!!

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